Educational technology

I've decided to include a section on Educational Technology, to build upon my past experiences as a teacher, and my passion for education in general.

Intelligent Systems


  • Protege - Protege is a tool created by Standford University for creating ontologies and knowledge-based applications.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Security-Centred Readings

  • Falana, O., Ebo, I., Akinwunmi, O. & Odom, I. (2021) SE-LMS: Secured learning management systems for smart school. International Journal of Software Engineering & Computer Systems (IJSECS). 7(1): 36-46. - Falana et al discuss the importance of security in Learning Management Systems (LMS), and a develop a system they claim secures them, which they call Se-LMS.


I would have loved to have time to develop this section further, but I felt it was more beneficial to focus on course material at this point in time. My interest in educational technology has persisted since I was at school, where I was lucky enough to do a course in further mathematics via remote education, and I believe it will remain constant. On the otherhand this masters course is a time-limited opportunity, and the topic of security is important. I feel like the development of this ePortfolio has given me a template that I could recycle in future efforts, and this section is a beacon of that.



Bath, United Kingdom