Requirements Analysis

Examples of modelling tools for Requirements Analysis:

Use Case Diagrams

A use case is a functional requirement that an information system is expected to meet. They are sometimes business-centered, but they are always associated with particular categories of users, or actors. Relationships that exist between use cases are limited by convention to: to generalization, inclusion and extension relationships. The relationships among use cases and actors is modelled using a use case diagram.


An example of a use case diagram for an autonomous car.

use case diagram

Applicability to a Software Development Lifecycle


  • The creation of an ensemble of use case diagrams, could be a medium to resolve any interpersonal ambiguities about requirements. The construction process is educationally valuable.


  • The informality of them makes them redundant to technical modelling.
  • The structure that they are confined to restricts their potential as an infographic.
  • Use case diagrams provide little more information than a list of actors and software expectations, at the cost of visual complexity.
  • It's possible to choose multiple different viable sets of use cases that accurately label expected responses of software, making validation of them as models difficult.
  • An actor may be involved in many use cases, resulting in either visual clutter, or the aesthetic absence of relationships from diagrams and loss of information.
  • The extension-relationship between use cases is a baroque way to say "sometimes do this".
  • Use case diagrams lack the notion of interfaces, which is essential to modelling detail related to how actors expect to use software.
  • The diagrams are too rigid for developmental value. The distinction between use case relationships and actor-use case relationships is too restrictive. I'd like to explore the abstraction of use case diagrams to gain properties such as modularity, by using actors/interfaces as anchor points to combine, use case diagrams, and recursion, by allowing use case interfaces to replace actors, for the replacement of a use case by a use case diagram. Overall, I believe this would create more value in an incremental software development lifecycle, where streamlining the transition between analysis and design saves time and money.

Pen Portraits

Users are normally an essential requirement for the success of software. Groups of users with shared descriptions may behave similarly, so identifying shared description can be valuable to business. A pen portrait is an informal description of a person or group of people.


An example of a pen portrait for the users of autonomous cars.

pen portrait

Applicability to a Software Development Lifecycle


  • A range of adjectives clearly depicts a range of potential users.
  • User descriptions enhance user context models, and can highlight potential values users might have, which might be informative to design and marketing decisions.


  • The informality of pen portraits makes them redundant to technical modelling.
  • The meaning of descriptions may be open to interpetation.
  • Pen portraits don't depict the relationships between descriptions. Clusters of descriptions may describe certain types of users exclusively, while other descriptions may be inclusive of all users.

Activity Diagrams

Activity states are chunks of computation a software is expected to do, and an activity diagram is a model of the flow between activity states for an information system. An activity diagram can include conditional branching, concurrent branching and computational swimlanes.


An example of an activity diagram for a autonomous car.

activity diagram

Applicability to a Software Development Lifecycle


  • Details of interactions between users is clear, providing information useful to interface design.
  • Details of computational flow is included, and provides a way to validate the model.
  • The relationships between computational chunks that are depicted in an activity diagram, resemble programming logic to some granularity of detail, minimising the gap between requirements analysis and programme design.


  • Lots of users on a single activity diagram might be visually overwhelming.

End of Module Reflection

During this course I became familiar with software development lifecycle stages, so I decided to catalog some examples of tools which are used during those stages. The diagrams were made by myself, as I wanted to primarily showcase what I could do.

The inclusion of informal explanations and critques were mainly to test my own understanding, but I recognise that without reference to other sources, or a channel for critical discussion, these are essentially just opinions.

I expressed a dislike towards use case diagrams that I still hold at the end of the module. However, I now recognise that the suggestions I had for improving their developmental value, can probably be implemented already using UML's concept of stereotypes. Extending UML is something I should try, if I want practise developing modelling languages. Nevertheless, I wonder if there are better methods for modelling user-interface interactions and the response of software to those interactions, that stakeholders could understand. So I'm eager to learn other requirements analysis tools.

I also want to say that I have a deep respect for pen portraits as a tool for requirements analysis, as natural language itself can be extremely descriptive. Operationalising the semantics of pen portrait descriptions may provide overlooked business insight. In the future I'll be keeping a lookout for material on pen portraits and user models that build upon them.



Bath, United Kingdom